Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Pertemuan Ketiga (softskill Bahasa Inggris 2)

Pertemuan Ketiga

Exercise 35 : 132

  1. The president is call everyday 
  2. The other members are being call by John
  3. The documents were delivered by Martha to the department
  4. The amandement has been repealed by the other members
  5. The information had been received by delegates before recess
  6. The supllies should be bought by the teacher for this class
  7. Mr. Watson will be called tonight
  8. A considerable damage has been caused by the fire
  9. A new procedure was developed by the company before the bankruptcy hearings began
  10. The papers will be received by John tomorrow

Exercise 36 : 135

  1. leave
  2. repaired
  3. to type
  4. call
  5. painted
  6. write
  7. lie
  8. to send
  9. cut
  10. sign
  11. leave
  12. to wash
  13. fixed
  14. published
  15. to find 

Exercise 37 : 138

  1. the laat record produced by this company became a gold record
  2. checking accounts which require a minimum balance are very common now
  3. the professor you spoke to yesterday is not here today
  4. John, who's grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship
  5. Felipe bought a camera which has three lenses
  6. Frank is the man we are going nominate for the office of treasurer
  7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg was broken in an accident
  8. Jane ia the woman, who is going to China next year
  9. Janet wants a typewriter that self-corrects
  10. The book i found las week contains some useful information
  11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad
  12. James wrote an article, indicated that he disliked the president
  13. The director of the program that who graduated from Harvard University is planning to-retire next year
  14. This is the book, I have been looking for all year
  15. William, whose brother is a lawyer wants to become a judge

Exercise 38 : 139
  1. who was
  2. that are
  3. who was
  4. who is
  5. who is
  6. who is
  7. who is
  8. that is
  9. who have been
  10. who is

Exercise 39 : 142
  1. leave 
  2. call
  3. correct
  4. suspend
  5. take
  6. correct
  7. i advise that you take the preferequisites before registering for this course
  8. attend
  9. correct
  10. find

Exercise 40 : 144
  1. not
  2. as well as
  3. both
  4. but also
  5. aa well as
  6. not only
  7. and
  8. but also
  9. as well as
  10. as well as

Exercise 41 : 145
  1. know how
  2. know how
  3. know
  4. know
  5. know how
  6. knows
  7. knows
  8. knows
  9. know how
  10. know how

Exercise 42 : 146
  1. Although she dislike coffe, she drank it to keep herself warm
  2. Mry will take a plane, in spite of her dislike flying
  3. Although Marcy's sadness for losing the contest, she managed to smile
  4. We took many pictures despite the cloudy sky
  5. Even thought she had memory, the old woman told interesting stories the children
  6. In spite of his frequent absence, he hs managed to pass the test
  7. Nancy told me the secret though she had promised not to do so
  8. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing even though will not win a prize
  9. Even though the prices are high, my doughters insist on going to the movies ever Saturday
  10. His ate the chocolate cake in spite of on a diet

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